Jean-Claude Juncker is a Luxembourgian politician, served as prime minister of Luxembourg and president of the European Commission.
Europe Debates

Strengthening the EU at a Time of Upheaval Means Voting for Its Backers

The EU is “the answer to the fragmentation of Europe and the answer to toxic nationalism,” says Jean-Claude Juncker in a conversation with Ursula Plassnik.
Miroslav Wlachovský is a Slovak diplomat who served as the minister of foreign and European affairs of Slovakia.
The Visegrád 4

Even When Split, the Visegrád Format Still Makes Sense

Engjellushe Morina is a senior policy fellow with the Wider Europe Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations.
Security Policy

The Geopolitics of Enlargement: Should EU Candidates Join NATO First?

The decision facing EU countries is whether to anchor candidates under the umbrella of the Transatlantic Alliance before giving them membership. The question is what’s better for Europe’s security.
Jan Zielonka is professor of politics and international relations at the University of Venice, Cá Foscari.
Europe‘s Third Way

A Third Way for the Future of Europe

The path to saving the European project may lie neither with nationalists nor federalists but with a greater role for NGOs and other neglected players.
Oana Popescu-Zamfir is the director and founder of the Global Focus Centre in Bucharest.
EU Enlargement

Projecting EU Influence Abroad: An Existential Question

EU expansion is the European Union’s single most influential foreign policy instrument at a time when exerting international influence is turning into an imperative.
Franz-Stefan Gady is the founder and chief executive officer of Gady Consulting.

Ukraine’s Weak Spots in the War of Attrition

The danger is looming for a Kharkiv 2.0 scenario in 2024. Russia may break through the thinly manned Ukrainian front line and seize a substantial amount of territory. But new weapon deliveries may change the equation.

MEGA: The Danger of Nostalgia

History tells us that “Make Europe Great Again” is the wrong slogan for the continent’s future. And MAGA is no good example either.
Valentin Inzko is an Austrian diplomat who served as the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2009 to 2021.
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Struggle to Build a State

With its complicated political structure, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long way to go to achieve needed reforms. High Representative Christian Schmidt talks with his predecessor in the country, Valentin Inzko, about the rule of law, emigration, and the role of the international community.
Ivan Krastev, chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia.
Pan-european Polycrisis

Europe‘s Vertigo Moment

Climate change, migration, war. Europe is reeling. Pushed to the brink by more than a decade of crises, the continent is at a tipping point.
Jovana Marović, former deputy prime minister of Montenegro.

So Close Yet So Far

Twelve years after opening membership talks with Brussels, Montenegro warily watches EU attention turning to Ukraine.
Sonja Licht, president of the Foundation BFPE for a Responsible Society, Belgrade. 

The Rebirth of Civil Society

Civic activism versus autocracy: In Serbia, the struggle continues.
Justyna Gotkowska, deputy director at the Warsaw-based Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW).
European Security

Will The War Come to Us?  It’s Up to The West

The Russian-Ukrainian war may be a prelude to a bigger conflict if the West does not seize the chance to weaken Russia.
Ukrainian civil society activist Daria Kaleniuk.

The Bloody Path Back to The European Family

From the hope of Euromaidan to the reality of Russia’s aggression: the Ukrainian fight to regain its place in Europe.
Paul Lendvai, author and journalist.
At the Crossroads

The Tug of War for Central Europe’s Future

History is no Autobahn. The region’s fate will be decided by who will prevail: liberals or autocrats. 
Wolfgang Schüssel and Viktor Orbán in the Library of the Carmelite monastery, home to the Prime Minister’s Office in Budapest.

“The Dominant Role of The West Is Over”

In a controversial debate with Austria’s former chancellor, Wolfgang Schüssel, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán argues against EU and NATO membership of Ukraine, warns of a security deal between Russia and the U.S.A., and outlines his vision for the EU.

More Vistula and Danube Less Rhine

EU’s leadership needs to pivot to the East if it wants to be truly geopolitical. Why not Sikorski and Kallas as High Representatives and Johannis as President of the European Council?
The Populist Déjà-vu

How Populism Is Conquering The Continent

A missed lesson of history? A century after Mussolini, liberal elite inclusion of the far right is again strengthening its appeal.
Nathalie Tocci, director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali.
Europe’s Charm Offensive

Make Europe Work Again

Jean Monnet, one of the EU’s founding fathers, set the bar high for the success of the European Union. To what extent has it passed the “Monnet Test”?